Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The first Spiritual Woman e-newsletter is coming July 1st!

My first e-newsletter will be coming out on July 1st, 2010.  I am very excited about this.  I have decided to do a quarterly focus. For July, August and September the focus will be Forgiveness.  We could all use a little of that couldn't we?  I haven't decided what the quarterly give-away will be but as soon as I find something cool, I will let you know.  Don't forget, you have to be signed up to receive the newsletter to be eligible for the give-away. If you want to sign up for the newsletter just let me know by leaving me a comment with your email or sending me an email directly.  The email address is  Have a blessed day!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Searching for Treasures?

     I love to go to garage sales.  I never know what kind of things I might find.  My kids always ask me, "Mom, did you find any good treasures?"  Sometimes I do find good treasures, and other times I waste my time.  But there is one treasure that I don't have to go searching for, and that is Jesus Christ.  I can find him right at home, in my heart.  He is always there. 
     Do you spend a lot of time searching for treasures in this world?  A line from one of my favorite songs right now says, "Come to the treasure you who search, and you'll search no more."  Jesus is the treasure.  He is the only one you need to find, and you don't even have to make sure your gas tank is full!  Come to the treasure as the song says, and search no more.  The song by the way is 'Love is Here', by Tenth Avenue North.  Have a treasured day!