Monday, November 1, 2010

Keep your Sanity this Holiday Season

The Holidays are drawing near,
Your family’s coming, but have no fear
Just remember what happened to King Nebuchadnezzar,
And your Holidays will be better than ever!!

     As the holidays are getting closer we start thinking about all the things we want and need to do.  First you may be decorating for Halloween and trying to pick out costumes for your children (who are most likely going to change their mind right before the big night and of course you won’t be able to find your receipt).  Then, you take down the Halloween decorations and start the Thanksgiving preparations.  Many of you will be doing this on your own because your spouses will be sitting out in the woods doing there best to fill the freezer for winter.  Your family is going to be coming to stay for a few days so that means you have to find places for them to sleep and change the bedding and of course if your family comes to your house every year for both Thanksgiving and Christmas you may already be starting the hair pulling process.  Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!
     Well, have no fear, as the poem says.  There is only one thing you need to remember this holiday season in order to keep your sanity.  Remember to thank God for everything you have and are able to give.  Daniel 4:34 says, “At the end of that time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven and my sanity was restored….”.  King Nebuchadnezzar got caught up in himself and forgot that God was the one who provides for us.  Don’t get caught up in what’s not important this holiday season.  Ask yourself if what your stressing about is really important and if its not, let it go.  Now, odds are God is not going to cause you to be driven away from your family to live like an animal and eat grass for the holidays, but it is a sobering thought isn’t it?  Just remember if you are starting to feel overwhelmed this holiday season, you might just be having a bit of King Nebuchadnezzar syndrome.  Just raise your eyes to heaven and your sanity will be restored (plus you’ll get to start the New Year with all your hair!). 

In the Vault: Self Control

     Do you struggle with self control? Do you wish that you had unlimited access to all the self control you need? As Christians, we have that access through our trust in Christ Jesus. God has promised that if we seek Him first, we will be given all we need (Matthew 6:33). This doesn't mean just the physical necessities. It also includes things like self control. We all struggle with self control. I know I have trouble with this sometimes (okay, okay, a lot!). As always though, God is with us, and gives us instructions on how to be self controlled.   
     How do we exercise self control everyday? 1 Thessalonians 5:8 tells us, "But since we belong to the day, let us be self-controlled, putting on faith and love as a breast plate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet." When you get dressed every morning, I challenge you to think of this verse. Maybe even write it down where you will see it each morning. Dress your selves with the word of God each day, and you will find strength to be that self-controlled, loving, faithful servant to the Lord.

Four Lines of Inspiration

I'll be by your side, where ever you fall
In the dead of night, whenever you call
Please don't fight these hands that are holding you,
My hands are holding you.

From the song "By Your Side" by Tenth Avenue North

     God wants to help us with our self control. He knows we are going to fall short. Call on Him whenever you need Him. He will be there to help you, just as the song says. Please don't try to do it by yourself. Accept the gift that God sent in Christ Jesus, and let Him hold you and give you the self control you need for today and every day.