Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What's Your Sign?

     I recently found a drawing in one of my old Bibles from when I was younger. It was a simple drawing of a road sign that said "Road Work Ahead". The date on the drawing was August 10, 1994. This was about 2 1/2 years from the time I first accepted Christ as my savior and was baptised. I remember my youth leader at the time asking us to draw a sign that indicated where our personal relationship with Christ was and how we thought we were growing. Looking back on that time and seeing that drawing made me realize that if I were asked the same question now, I would probably have the same answer.
     As a Christian, my life has definitely been a rocky road with many detours and closed lanes. Throughout adolescence I found my self on many roads that I thought would lead me to a life I would love, but instead I would always find myself at a dead end. When I recall those times, I tend to cringe a little! But I also realize that God let me make some of those decisions in order to grow me into the person I am today. Matthew 7:13-14 says, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." I often found myself on that broad road because I thought the traveling would be easier. It never was. I have since found my way back through that small gate and onto that narrow road, but it was not easy. Even though I find myself on the right road, there are still some closed lanes and detours, but at least I know who put the construction barrels out on this road!
     Have you seen Disney's Beauty and the Beast? Do you recall the part where Belle is in the forest on her horse and she has the choice of two paths? One of the paths is wide and brightly lit and is clearly the way her horse wants her to go! The other path is darker, more narrow and does not look as appealing. Belle encourages her horse to go down the narrow path and who does she eventually find? Her father. It's the same way with us. The narrow path will not always look as appealing as the bright, wide road that leads to destruction but it will lead us where we want to go in the end. To our Father. What road are you on? What does you sign say?