One of the things that I found in helping to keep me on top of things this year is staying focused. If I stayed focused on one task at a time, no matter how long it took, I did better. When I lost my focus, I lost my motivation. As well as getting my house organized, I also wanted to get my physical, mental, and spiritual health back on track. Again, staying focused has been the key. I discovered that one of the worst places in my home to lose focus was the kitchen. When I lost focus in the kitchen, I found myself going to the fridge and cupboards looking for something to eat. I wasn't hungry, I just wasn't focused on something constructive. Have you heard the saying, "You can do anthing for 15 minutes"? It's true. You can do laundry for 15 minutes, you can clean for 15 minutes, you can read for 15 minutes, you can excercise for 15 minutes, etc. Look at all you can get done in just 1 hour!
The most important aspect of staying focused in every area of my life is my spiritual health. When I don't spend time praying or reading God's word, I feel lost. I don't always get time to read everyday, but I am trying! Praying every day is something I definitely do, but I find that I don't always take the time to go to a quiet place by myself to pray. I feel this is very important to all of our spiritual lives. To get away from everything that we have on our plates and take time to sit and talk with God.
For my mental focus, I am trying to learn to play the piano. I have always wanted to learn, just never found the time. As a busy mom, (maybe you can relate?) I knew I needed something to help keep me sane. Something I could do that would make me feel good besides exercise! Piano is it. Having to practice every day has done amazing things for my mental health. I definitely recommed picking up a hobby to keep your mental health on track this year.
If you do nothing else this year, get focused on God and all the other things will fall into place!!