How, as women, are we supposed to be in the mood when we have dealt with frustrating children, housework, errands, laundry, dinner, and sometimes a job away from the home? My husband gave me a bit of advice on this. He says you have to decide to be in the mood before bedtime (or whenever!). This is really tough. We have stressful days and sometimes we just want to be left alone or we just want to rant and rave about how bad our day was. This is where we have to stop and think.
If we get our selves worked up over our day and then let loose on our husbands when they walk in the door, that is going to set a mood for the evening and its not going to be the mood. Those of us that are stay at home moms have to remember that our husbands may have had a stressful day too. We have to decide to try to let the frustrating things go and maybe tell our husbands something funny that the kids did or just give them a kiss and a hug and tell them you missed them while they were at work. That kind of reception would definitely set a better mood. I know I am really bad about letting go on my husband when he gets home, so I decided to wear a reminder bracelet. Whenever I see it or feel it there on my wrist it will remind me of the kind of wife and mother I want to be and the kind of mood I want to be in, and I don’t just mean intimacy. If I let the little things get to me all day long, I am not being the kind of woman that God wants me to be or that I want to be. 1 Corinthians Chapter 7 talks about marriage. Verses 4 and 5 tell us that our bodies belong to each other and not to deprive each other (meaning husbands and wives), except by mutual consent, of our bodies so that Satan cannot tempt us. God’s command is for husbands and wives to be together, as one, physically. Yes, that right ladies, God wants us to have sex with our husbands and he wants us to do it frequently so that Satan can't squeeze himself in between our sheets. He thinks it is so important that he put that command right at the beginning of the Bible. Genesis 2:24 says, “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” We need to make this act as important as God wants it to be in our marriage. Many of you may be familiar with the Book of the Bible, Song of Songs (or Song of Solomon depending on your version). I will not quote it here because there is too much and it is can be considered explicit, but if you haven’t read it (or haven’t read it in a while) sit down with your husband and read it. If there is anything in the Bible that might help to get you in the mood, this is it. Happy reading!!
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