I felt compelled to write this post this morning after reading an article about Glenn Beck and how people are focusing on his comments instead of what is important. After reading the article, I was slightly frustrated. Okay, really frustrated. In Matthew 6:33, Jesus says, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Then in Matthew 7:7-8, Jesus says, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." These three verses make it very clear to me, and hopefully to you too, that everyone who seeks God first will be given everything they could possibly ever need.
Why are we looking for our government (which is made up of men and women) to give us the things we need? Why aren't we seeking God first? I had someone tell me recently that God can't have a part in politics. WHAT?? God must, I repeat, MUST have a part in everything we do.
We can't remove God from our political beliefs. If you are going to do that, then you might as well remove him from the rest of your life as well. Seeking God first means seeking him first, always, in everything. Not just when it fits what we want to say or do. Whether its politics, parenting and everything in between, seek God first. Isaiah Chapter 31 gives an example of what will happen if men rely on other men instead of God. It says that if we rely on men and help people who are wicked then God will reach out with his hand and those who help the wicked and those who were helped will fall and both "will perish together" (Isaiah 31:3). Okay, that should be a clear enough example of what happens if we rely on men to help us. Did you know that the saying, "God helps those who help themselves" is not a biblical saying? This chapter of Isaiah shows what happens to men who "help themselves." They die. End of discussion.
I am tired of hearing people complain about all the problems they have and why can't the government do something to help them? After all they are Americans and deserve everything handed to them, right? No, you don't. Not if you have the ability and the opportunity, just like the rest of us, and choose not to act on those abilities and opportunities. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are very successful business men. They didn't become successful by sitting on their behinds and complaining that everyone else has things they don't. They chose to act. They used their gifts and talents and put them to use and now they reap the rewards. We all have this option. We all have gifts that God has given us and we can choose to use them. All we have to do is seek God first.
I have mentioned the parable of the talents before in my posts, but I want to look at it in a different light today. The parable tells of three servants who were all given talents (money) by their master, according to their abilities. The first two servants invested their talents and doubled what the master had given them and so to them, the master gave more. The last servant went and hid his talent in the ground because he was afraid. The master took his talent away and gave it to one of the other servants. The master did not take the talents away from the faithful servants and give it to the one who was afraid to act. It was just the opposite. Why does our country think the right thing to do is take away from people who have used their talents wisely and give to the people who are afraid and lazy and want everything handed to them instead of having to work for it? Seek God first, use your talents wisely, and don't wait for a handout.
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