As women, we often see ourselves as the gentler sex. But is this always true? Are we always as gentle and loving as we could be? Most of us would say probably not. Gentleness is something that we have to work at. We are not given gentleness in abundance just because we are women. Thankfully we have been given plenty of advice on how to be gentle and plenty of examples to guide us. All we have to do is open the Bible.
In the Old Testament in the book of first Kings in chapter nineteen we have the story of Elijah running away from Jezebel (a woman who definitely needed some gentleness coaching!). After a lengthy journey the word of the Lord appears to Elijah and he is told to go stand on a mountain for the presence of the Lord is about to pass by (see verse eleven). Elijah waits through a powerful wind, an earthquake, and a fire but that is not how the Lord came. The last part of verse twelve tells us that after the fire “came a gentle whisper.” The Lord doesn’t come to us in great shows of power; He comes to us gently, with a whisper. I have found the hardest part is listening for that gentle whisper. What about you? Do you make time each day to listen for God’s gentle whisper?
God sent His son to us in the most gentle and humble way possible: a baby. He could have sent His Son in a blazing show of power the first time, but He chose to send Him as a little baby boy. If you have children, think back to the first moment you held your baby. Do you remember the incredible love and gentleness that flowed through your body at that time? I do! I will never forget it. That is the same love and gentleness that God has for us. Christ came and lived a gentle life, never abusing the power that was rightly His. The book of Zechariah, chapter nine verse nine foretold how Christ would come into Jerusalem “gentle and riding a donkey.” And He did! Everything He does is done gently, without outrageous displays of power. Are there times when you have chosen to do something gently, without displaying your power? What about times when you could have been gentler and instead you used a harsh word or punishment?
I recently learned that there is only one passage in the Bible where Jesus describes Himself. It is found in the book of Matthew, chapter eleven. In verses twenty-eight through thirty Christ tells us, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Of all the descriptive words Christ could have used for himself, He chose to remind us that He is gentle. I am very thankful for that reminder and I hope you will be too. Make this your verse(s) to remember for the month of February. You can go to the Lord whenever you are “weary and burdened” from this life and He will give you all you need.
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