Serving in obscurity. This phrase jumped out at me this morning from my daily emailed devotion. It was about David. Yep, that David. The devotion was an excerpt from a book called "Unstoppable" by Christine Caine. I have not read the book, but hope to in the future.
The more time I spent thinking about the phrase "serving in obscurity" and how it related to David, the more I found it related to me. Most of the time, I want to be one of David's brothers. You know, standing there in line, waiting to see if I'm the one that God has chosen for this great task. I definitely don't see myself out in the field with the sheep. But really, that is where I am. Only my field looks more like a dirty bathroom and my sheep are getting to that age where they want to spend more time with other sheep than me.
I want so much to be acknowledged by God in great ways. I want to spend all day writing (and hopefully getting paid to do it). I want to do great things for God to further His kingdom. But I need to have patience. I need to be content to serve in obscurity until God calls me forward.
I hope that you will be content to serve God wherever you are. Know that He has not forgotten you. His eyes are always on you, whether you are still out in that field or if He has already said ".......this is the one". (1 Samuel 16:12).
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