Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Being a Faithful Follower

     What does someone who is faithfully following God look like? Are they missionaries that leave their family and homes and go to a different country? Are they pastors and other church leaders? Or are they simply people who go to work every day and do their best to apply God’s will to their daily walk? Being a faithful follower simply means that you have asked for God to show you his will for your life and you are willing to follow it. That doesn’t mean it is going to be easy! In fact, I would bet that following God’s will for your life will leave you in many uncomfortable positions throughout your walk, but God promises to remain faithful to us if we are faithful to Him (see 2 Samuel 22:26).
     One of the most important aspects of being a faithful follower is prayer. Seeking God every morning will get your day off on the right foot and renew your spirit for whatever challenges the Lord may have in store for the next 24 hours. Romans 12:12 says, “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” A faithful follower will faithfully pray and seek God’s will every day.
     Another important part of being a faithful follower is to be willing. If you are going to ask God to show you his will for your life, you had better be prepared for His answer. God doesn’t often call us to do things that will be comfortable and easy for us. Not that there won’t be times when you will feel like following God’s will is easy, because there may be. But most often, we are called to step out of our comfortable boxes and once we step out in faith, God will probably burn that old comfortable box you kept yourself in for you will no longer need it!
     Being a willing follower will not be easy. God never said it would be. In fact, He tells us plainly that following Him will be hard. In Matthew 7:14 Jesus says, “Small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few will find it.” Have you ever tried to thread a needle with a very small eye? It is extremely difficult and very frustrating! But some amazing person created this little thing called a needle threader to make this task a little easier. God is our needle, Jesus is the threader, and we are the string. Jesus died on the cross so that we would be able to find that narrow path that leads to the Father and in so doing, be able to be used by Him.
     Following God faithfully will probably be the most difficult, uncomfortable at times, choice you will make in your life. But it is the most important, rewarding one. If we remain faithful to God and his will for our life, He will remain faithful to us in everything. The things we will be asked to do and to endure will be difficult, but they are always for our good. For the Lord “is the rock, his works are perfect, all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He” (Deuteronomy 32:4).

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