Thursday, April 21, 2011

Miracle or Misunderstanding?

    I was an exhausted mess that morning. I had been up every two hours, all night long, with an almost two week old that was losing too much weight. The doctors had said to feed her every two hours, and if she hadn’t gained any weight within a few days, she would be put in the hospital on a feeding tube. My thoughts were on my new daughter when my husband came in the room at eight am.
     “I have to take our son to the hospital,” he said, “the doctors think he has leukemia.”          
     Our sixteen month old son had been running a fever almost since our daughter was born. He had had some blood work done, and the results had come in. I thought they couldn’t be right. He was a perfectly normal little boy, other than the fever. He was playing the same, eating the same, and sleeping the same. There was no sign of an illness other than his fever, so they must be wrong.
     I was torn. I wanted to go to the hospital with my husband and son, but I couldn’t take a two week old that was already having problems to a hospital, so I had to stay home. We made the necessary calls to family to ask for prayer and then I waited for news. I called my sister and brother and they came over. Did I mention it was the Friday before Christmas?
     My husband called as often as he could with updates. They didn’t just think he had leukemia. Based on his blood work, the leukemia was very advanced and it wasn’t one of the types of leukemia that responded well to treatment. The oncologists and nurses were not hopeful.
     Back at home, we kept up the prayers. There were people all over the state of Michigan praying for our little boy, thanks to family, friends, and prayer chains. The doctors had been running tests on our boy and they were about to take him in for a bone marrow biopsy when a nurse came running in the room.
     “Wait a minute,” she said, “there has been a misunderstanding. We double checked the original test results and your son doesn’t have leukemia. He just had a really bad virus that wiped out his immune system.”
     And just like that, the nightmare was over. My son and husband stayed in the hospital over night and came home the next day. My husband shared with me his prayers while he was at the hospital. He told God he could have our son’s life, if God would just let us keep him here on earth so we could provide for his physical needs.
     Was this a miracle or a misunderstanding? Only God knows for sure, but I will tell you one thing. I have a handsome four and a half year old that loves the Lord in such a way that God himself must have reached down that day and touched his soul.


  1. Praise God for His mighty healing hand!! We have an almost-four-year-old that is our "miracle man" himself. (He's who I blogged about today, too.) <3

  2. What a powerful story!! I also have a 4.5 year old, only mine is a girlie. :)

  3. Not only did you receive a miracle, but God gave you a glimpse into the feelings of other parents with such heart-breaking news. It's such a blessing to have that insight and compassion so that you can be there for others in their pain.
