Wednesday, May 18, 2011

God Really is Good, Really

     If you take a look at the first chapter of the book of Genesis (NIV) you will see a phrase repeated over and over. “And God saw that it was good,” is repeated after the account of each day and then after He created man, the Bible tells us in Genesis 1:31 that “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.” Not just good, very good. How often do we think about what “good” means in this context? Does it mean that it was beautiful and functional? I think so, but it also means that creation was without evil.
     That means that we were all created in His image, and we are a very good creation. Doesn’t that make you smile? God made us and He thinks we are very good. Even right now, where ever we are, no matter what sins we just committed or what sins we might commit later on today, He still thinks we are good and loves us. God really is good, really. He loves us no matter what and will continue to love us right on into eternity. Psalm 103 begins and ends with the phrase “Praise the Lord, O my soul,“ and in between those phrases king David spends 21 verses sharing how good God is.
     I challenge you to read Psalm 103 every day for the rest of the month and remember just how good God really is. When Christ died on the cross and said, “It is finished,” it did not mean that God had done all He was going to do for us and now we are on our own. Not at all! God is still at work in our lives and on this earth. He loves us and wants to give us good things. That is why Christ was resurrected from the grave. To show us that there is no end to the good things He has planned for those who love and fear Him. Not even death can come between us and God’s good plan.

You are so good. Thank you for loving me no matter how not good I am sometimes. Thank you for giving me your Word so that I can be encouraged and reminded of your goodness. Thank you for forgiving me, healing me, redeeming me, and satisfying me so that I am renewed.  - Amen

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