Monday, April 30, 2012

Shout for Joy!

     When is the last time you shouted for joy? I can't really remember the last time I shouted for joy. I have had many moments where I have laughed loudly in joy, but no shouting. Shouting for joy, to me, brings to mind a large group of people at a concert shouting when the artist starts to sing their most recent hit. What do you think shouts of joy sound like?
     I know I would have love to have been there in the time of Moses, when the glory of the Lord appeared to the people. Leviticus 9:24 tells us, "Fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed the burnt offering and the fat portions on the altar. And when all the people saw it, they shouted for joy and fell facedown." Can you imagine? All the Israelite people that were freed from the bondage of slavery in Egypt shouting for joy at the same time. I bet it was louder than any concert we have ever been to!
     You may not have the opportunity to shout for joy this week, or maybe you will. But I challenge you to find something this week that just makes you want to shout or at least laugh loudly with joy. Then write it down. When you find yourself having a tough moment, think back on what made you shout or laugh with joy and I bet you will find your tough moment not so tough. Have a blessed week!

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